



After getting the car painted, installing the engine in might be the biggest milestone right up there with hearing it run.

The Engine Is In!

November 11, 2014

The first thing that needed to be done was to install the torque converter, my friend tried first and after a few tries my other friend tried with success. That done the transmission was mated to the engine and the hoist was wheeled to the car. With limited space I had one friend hold the tail shaft and direct it towards the engine bay while we swung the hoist inline with the car.

Now that we were in position one friend moved under the car and guided the transmission as we inched in and down. With the engine mounts in place it was on to the transmission mount and crossmember. It took a while to get the bolts to lineup and go in but we prevailed. I think I could have eliminated to hassle with the crossmember if I had put it in at the time I installed the frame, This would have minimized the potential for it to be out of place which I feel was the issue.

At the end of the day (more like lunch time) it was in. Right away I started looking for parts and hardware that cold go on, I already new the lower pulley would need a cleanup (sorry) as there is like zero clearance to the balancer, flapper wheel to the rescue. I still had hardware to paint so nothing was put on.





