



Maybe in a few years I'll look back at this and reflect.

Back Breaking

May 21, 2018

My friend dropped by and assisted in getting the engine in and mated to the transmission. Once we had it lowered in place and bolted to the transmission we had difficulties getting the mounts to drop in. Once dropped in my friend left an continued on getting it bolted up. I first tried to get the transmission mount bolted in but had difficulties lining the bolts up, the tailshaft was off center and even when it was moved to center the bolts still didn't line up. I looking at it I could see the transmission needed to move forward.

When I went to pull the hoist forward I noticed the right engine mount was out of alignment. I then realized the bracket was on the wrong side of the ears on the block. With the engine still on the hoist the exhaust manifold was removed for better access. With the mount corrected the engine dropped in and the transmission lined up perfectly.

With all the mounts secured I moved on to the torque converter. My engine builder left the engine at TDC so I put the distributer in for a reference as I would need to rotate the engine to get the converter bolts in.





