



Maybe in a few years I'll look back at this and reflect.

Ripon 2018

October 5-6, 2018

Three weeks later and we are back on the highway repeating the route we just did, just not as far and hopefully with better results. About 60 miles into the trip I started hearing noises in the rear like I was throwing gravel up into the wheel well, it continued for another 30 miles where we stopped for gas. I checked with Ron and wasn't getting it, so I checked my rear tire, it was ok. Over the next 120 miles I would occasionally hear it so when we stopped for lunch I checked the rear tire again (only place I was hearing it, it was fine. Back on the highway I didn't like the way things sounded and thought it might be the exhaust or something as the ride was smooth. About 5 miles later I hear a bank and loud noise, I quickly pull over and check the rear? nothing, front, oh there it is.

There was a ramp about a mile up so I drove it off on the shoulder at about 40 MPH since it was still holding air. My turn to dig a spare out and change it, Ron felt compelled to do it for me.

The show was fun and caught up with some friends and had a good time. Right after the show we headed home with an uneventful journey.





