



There was another spot I felt water could come in but found it easier to park the other way.

Water Leak

March 1/2, 2014

The other day I went around the corner and water came pouring out of the heater, water not coolant. It had been raining pretty good the last few days so I thought that maybe the drains were clogged up. In looking at the parts car I could see that if the drains were clogged the water would just come in through the kick panels so I felt I needed to look at the heater.

To get the heater cover off the wheel liner needed to be removed and the heater hoses. With the hoses clamped off I was able to pull the cover and see the heater full of water and no coolant.

The car had been parked nose up on my driveway which has a decent slope to it and the water coming off the roof just went onto the hood, the drains only handle the water that makes it into the vents otherwise it runs off the sides of the cowl and into the engine compartment.

The seal on the housing looked good but I resealed it anyway. But before I put it together I drilled some drain holes in the cover to prevent accumulation in the future.





